The British-Israel-World Federation follows the Reformed Tradition of the Christian Faith. The objects for which the Federation is established are: 

TO TEACH preach and expound the Revelation of Almighty God in Holy Scripture, and to maintain, advance and propagate true religion as revealed in the inspired Word of God. 

TO EXPOUND and place in their rightful settings historically and prophetically the Scriptural terms "House of Israel", "House of Judah", "House of David", and to show the important distinction between Israel and Judah. 

TO ELUCIDATE and to declare the truth regarding the origin and early history of the British, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon peoples, whether in the English-speaking countries or elsewhere, and to establish their identity as true Israel, being distinct from the Jewish folk which historically are multi-ethnic 

TO DECLARE and to teach that Almighty God has called the Israel peoples to maintain a separated and sovereign status, and has laid upon them a fixed and irrevocable charge and responsibility to act as His servants and His instruments in making ready the way for the restoration of His Kingdom on earth. 

TO TEACH and to propagate the truth that the only solution to world unrest and distress is to be found through the restoration of the Divinely-given Constitution and in the manifestations of God's purpose in relation to His people as revealed in Holy Scripture, and that such a restoration is a necessary preliminary to the establishment of universal peace and the manifold blessings of the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the Davidic Throne. 

I declare that the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of men, and my personal Saviour, is the eternal Son of God, very God and very Man, the only begotten of the Father, with whom and the Holy Spirit He is of one and the selfsame Godhead. I hold the Holy Bible to be the Inspired Word of God, and I subscribe to the objects of The British-Israel-World Federation and agree to abide by its Constitution.

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